Tuesday 15 March 2011

Labor Day Musings

It was a long weekend this weekend just gone here in Vic. As we were on our way to a very pleasant bbq, I said to hubble 'what's this long weekend about again?'
'Labor Day,' he said. 'Celebrating the instigation of the 8 hour day'
And we looked at each other...

He works 3 days a week, many nights and frequent weekends.
I work 4 mornings.
Almost everyone I know is on bizzarro contracts even tho we all voted Workchoices out.
The only people I know who did/do the 8 hour day were my parents.
You know, I'll welcome any public holiday,but:
Does ANYONE work 8 hour days anymore? Or do I just associate with weirdos who are caught in contracts because we've been trying to buck the system?


  1. ...that is the thing, with all our technology, think drafting a letter back in the day vs typing an email now, in some vocations we are actually doing more than eight hours "work" in a day relative to the good ole' days (not taking away the amount of work that was done back in the good ole days)... technically speaking an administrator should only have to work one and a half hours per day to do the same amount of "work" as an administrator back in the day...

  2. I call weirdos :p

  3. I'm sure there are still those 9-5ers out there, amassing superannuation and annual leave with 17.5% loading.
    Working for a boss, and even worse, the Bluddy Government, is not really up my alley.
    Although, there are moments, such as midnight at BAS time, and xmas eve facing multiple expenditures with zilch income, that I am grossly annoyed by my life choices.
