Tuesday 9 August 2011

ponderings from the mount

smaller persons at my house have been workshopping the insy outsy of uhmericas current fiscal woe. it's been an edumacation to evesdrop, I tells ya. #2 has decided it's a result of too much shopping (STOP SHOPPING!), number #1 claims it's not enough. this, I might add, is deeply counter intuitive to the parentals - given #2 loves nothing more than a good hard shop, whereas #1 would sooner poke sticks in his eyes than enter any sort of retail emporium that isn't JB Hifi or an Apple Superstore. any junior theories from north and south?


  1. Their theories are as diverse as those of the "experts". I'll canvass my lot this arvy. Should be enlightening.

  2. So I asked what the advice to America should be. One answer was, "America doesn't listen to advice". Another answer was, "why doesn't their government print more money, then give everyone a solar power panel, so then they wouldn't have to pay for electricity."
