Wednesday 3 August 2011

Hey, the Blokes seem to be AWOL

???Smokey? Mr Jones?Ou sont vous?
Any ideas,ladies?
Last email from smokey said something like 'in this place where I am, the internet is restricted'
....the mind boggles
Last post directed at me on this site from Jonesy contained the dire warning " I am a wolf in sheeps clothing' or words to that effect.
Then blank.
Ideas for recruitment? We could do with a few more posters.


  1. Shall we sniff & wave our hankies?
    Or settle back with a chilled bev & the 2011 Firefighters calendar?

  2. ...where do I get me calendar from?

  3. smokey will be back soon. he's been busy getting his smokey arse kicked by uhmerica - which was hilarious. he's in fine wordy fettle at present, despite the arse kicking, so he'll be back with a bang!

    meanwhile, in our travels abroad, smokey and I have sniffed out one or two yumourous interlectials that might fit the bill. both blokes. shall I?

  4. I can loan you my 2010 Firefighters calendar - although it's a little charred. I had to hide it in the oven - to be sure Tooly would NEVER find it. Of course, when I happened to use the oven for the big Sunday roast, the calendar had to be quickly rescued.

  5. Interlectuals - from Uhmerica? Is there such a beast?

  6. p.s. love the Survey. I might just have to choose multiple answers. (and hide the cyber dagger).

  7. New blood sounds good to me.

    Have I met smokey before??

    Love the survey too

  8. bring on the intellects, darthy!Lets talk it up! yeah!

  9. @ BIQ: Smokey, AKA Second Hand Smoke, AKA PRP, AKA Public Relations Person. Sadly missed. Looking forward to a return of his cerebral ramblings...

    BTW, if anyone ever manages to retrieve ColdAngel from the highways of north west Australia and direct him towards this blog, i say we slay the fatted calf...

  10. Thanks for that one Wilma! For a moment there I was convinced I was going mad..... well I am still convinced I am, but not about that at least. :)

    Miss ColdAngel's ramblings too

  11. I've issued a howdy doody to uhmerican interlectial bloke person this morning, and he's replied "I'm gamey!". I think that means he's onboard. remind how to do the invitation tap dance, wilms?

  12. Click on 'design', then 'settings', then 'permissions'. You need to type in his email addy and sent him an invite from there.

  13. cool bananas, ta. might not be til next week now, as I imagine most of uhmerica is in the land of nod at the present minute :)
