Wednesday 1 February 2012

tales from the Hall of Sorrow

or ... the view from the Vale of Tears. both of which (either or used .. depending on the mood du jour) are the names I've bestowed on our nearest Big Fat Shopping Mall. betty's reports from within the dark catacombs of retail hades have inspired me to shout out my own hola on the topic. * nail salons. possibly right at the apex of the cone of damnation. * 'variety' stores, after the fashion of wakmart. ie, bigfat w, targot & the k place. all damned. * my-er. flogging a dead damned horse. * smeegle. stationery heroin for the under 15s. why pay $1 for something at gow-low when you can pay twenty five damned bucks for it here. * phone stores. policy dictates that there is at least 70,000 in any one hall of sorrow. damn. * fatso boutiques. where the normals shop, god damn it. * hairdressers. apparently a few folk still pay to have their hair cut. just like in the olden days. damn funny watching them sit there with foil on their head. * food hall. where the normals eat, damn you. feel free to add your own pet retail peeves.


  1. we have similarly named places here - what a coincidence. Peeving me is the Skanky Teen Emporium - taking advantage of girls 12-16 with low self esteem & disposable income. Ripped shorts & singlets with slutty slogans abound.

  2. & what about the massage rooms? One false moved & goodbye lumbar disc.

  3. heeheehee
    um, ok..

    $2 Shops: Where you can buy things up to the cost of $50. Where everything is, admittedly, cheap, but you have the sinking feeling that each purchase is ensuring slave labour in an asian country somewhere, and further putting the boot into australian manufacturing.

    Supre: did you realise that 'landfill fashion' is an environmental issue? Little girls buy trash clothes, wear em once or twice, realise the clothes were trash all along and chuck em out, adding tonnes each year to our landfill. Why dont we just cut out the middle man, get rid of Supre and invite the local tips into our Halls of Sorrow.

    Pet Shops: I rang the RSPCA and complained once. Tiny little puppies inside glass boxes with bright fluoro lights and all those people pointing at them. Cruel. Now, if they were Supre models, it'd be another story...

    1. yes - you never see Slutpre gear recycled at Vinnies, do you?

  4. actually you do, sometimes. their special brand of skankwear even turns up on ebay, pre-skankloved.

    but back to pet stores, yeah! vile and truly damned.

    massage rooms indeedly, betts. forgot about the white coated visa shirkers.

  5. and here's another - sportswear boutiques. My old faithful duds are fading in the downward dog decorum department, so I went out in search of a new pair. Can you believe folks would pay $70- $80 for a logoed pair of stretchings? I finally settled on a $15 pair from the big K. Not so glamorous looking, but good enough to sweat all over.
