Wednesday 8 February 2012

If I remember correctly...

...the whole point of Big Brother was to have two contestants 'rooting' on national televsion... as I understand in Australia, this did not happen. What is the point of this post then? I get these crappy emails from Channel Ten telling me about their crappy programs, and the subject of one deleted email was; 'love is in the air for tonight's episode of Biggest Loser'. "Aahhh" I hear you say, which means you are with me. What if Australia's reality TV cherry is popped tonight during tonight's Biggest Loser? The other unimportant questions are; will contestants be penalised, by engaging in sexual activity not conducive to weight loss, such as swallowing and premature ejaculation? Will Channel Ten start creating more disturbing subject titles for their emails, 'See tonight's contestants pounding, pound for pound' etc etc By the way, how is everyone?


  1. This is concerning on so many levels, the least of which is not why Ch Tena would have your email addy.
    - Would the name of the show be altered to "BL - Whale Watching"?
    - Would this eposide be moved to an adult time slot and hosted by Mike Goldman?
    - Would viewers also lose weight by upchucking their dinner?

    All these and more won't be answered tonight, because the anti-climax will be that there will be no climax.

    Apart from that, great to see you've escaped from your summer captors, Smokeonthewater, we were about to send out a reconnaissance team.

  2. say what? biggest loser is back?

    hiya wendy :)

  3. the mud wrestling on that show is on ads shown before kiddy bedtime. Try explaining it to a 5 year old.
    Go on.
