Thursday 23 February 2012

Help me I'm becoming Political News Tragic

- All I've done for the past 24 hours is trawl newsites to get new info and read differing analyses
-I'm bringing politics up with people in normal conversation
- I'm disappointed because Annabel Crabb has started a COOKING SHOW WITH POLLIES FFS the week that Kev is making his run, and so so far we seem to have been denied her views on the drum website via ABC, because she's busy eating with Christopher Pynes and Amanda Vanstone. I kid you not.
-it really is like one big soap opera. And we'll all sitting in it.


  1. ditto. Our newscasters are revelling in it, and so am I. Who doesn't love to watch squabbling seagulls?

  2. well, you know it does add spice and variety to your cookery, wilms. and given our own personal connection with the play ... via our late and ethereal prpundit down in the trenches .. it's even spicier than yewshall.

    having said that, the same afflication has befallen the blokefolk of my house. the two of them, and this is no small bizarreness - given one of them is surely too young to care, can't wait to hook up after school/work and discuss the insy outsy of the day's lefty carry on.
