Friday 17 February 2012

boganry du jour

the return of the mullet.  is it just me?  or rather, is it peculiar to the plains of sorrow nearest my lofty perch?  please add your own mullet experiences of recent weeks, and we'll see if we can't rustle up a bit of a vox pop pie chart.


  1. The only mullet I've seen in recent weeks was in an episode of 'Flight of the Conchords' on dvd (have we done the 'Flight of the Conchords' rave yet?), in which Australians, it was being implied, were mullet wearing wet t shirt promoting beach bunnies.
    On the other hand, today I saw a lassie wearing her school dress short, with ankle socks and clipped/shaved hair on one side, shaped into a nearly- mullet on the other. So that counts. Lots of eyeliner and plucked eyebrows. I really really dont want my kids going to the local high schools.

  2. What we haven't yet touched on is the mullet skirt. Popularised by bogan chicks, this skirt is skankily short at the front, & tackily long at the back.

  3. and no, I haven't watched that TV show about aircraft. It sounds inaccurate...

  4. flight of the conchords is tee-riffic, betts. no mistake.

    back to fish heads. yes yes, it's the nearly-mullets I refer to. they're spreading like the bloody flux down on the flatlands. fah-reaky.
