Friday 7 October 2011

Joy is

This spring day, last day of the holidays...friends early in the morning for a playdate involving lots of banana bread, seasonal blueberries, strawberries and giggling...still damp enough for a bonfire in the forest, so we worked on it all afternoon..took toddly to the shops, where he informed anyone who'd listen that he was a 'dancy boy', then followed it up with a pirate 'aaar!'...back home, from the bonfire we ate smoky roasted potatoes, singed sausages with sauce on bread and marshmallows. Kids covered in marshmallows and sauce, refusing to come inside because they're watching the rain on the fire...the reception centre down the hill must have a wedding on, because a string quartet is playing and the sound drifts up to our place...the forest is full of small wrens and finches going spring crazy; the forest is full...


  1. Envious! We're on a back to school downer here.

  2. it's a back to school upper at my house!

    but yeah, lovely musings, wilms. bluddy lovely :)
