Wednesday, 5 December 2012


holaz, memsahibs

Betty's "summer of no causes" got me to emoting (as opposed to thinking, which would only have clouded the view).  We seem to be chock full of causes here, just lately.  Riled up anew at McFatsos proliferating like rogue cells in otherwise leafy glades, riled up eternally at the foulness of social media, riled up at overspending adipose bogans clogging up my local cash sinks, riled up that my kid has to go to the local high school (from which I've just returned after a morning of 'orientation' - aka, endless waffling by human sleeping pills in a stuffy hall), and riled up at the thought that if I said that to a local parent they'd assume it was income related snobbery, when in fact it's intellectual and cultural snobbery - which of course, makes it much better :p

what else?  oh yeah, riled up at the biggie, as every year. STOP FKG SHOPPING!


  1. Had to go to a similar school hall numbbumness recently also, & had the misfortune of sitting near the boganiest bogans ever, who shrieked in delight when Shayrella recevied her graduation certificate & complained bitterly when she wasn't featured in the slide show of kiddies in the school musical, sports carnival, debating team, choir, tree planting, student council, mathletics, or band - simply because she hadn't participated in these extratesticulars. "Why couldn't they show photos of every-day kids," they asked, "doing everyday things like eating lunch or sharpening pencils." And the thing about bogans is, their bogan-pride. They love to advertise their boganity in volume. so go the cultural snobbery. But at least, sitting at the public school, you can avoid the social snobs, financial snobs, try hards & hyporcrites.

  2. good point! at least we're free from that added unpleasantness :)

  3. but not the unpleasantness of spelling "hypocrite" incorrectly. Doh!
