Saturday 7 January 2012


.....he's about 5 months old now. His spurs are a growing. His cockadoodle is a doooing. He attacks anyone who ventures out the front door and he HURTS. He sits on the windowsill, staring at us, imprisoned in the lounge, and he crows at us. Everytime I go out to get letters I feel like there's a sniper lying in wait in the bushes. If we need to go out, Husby distracts him whilst I get the kids to the works, sometimes...
so anyways, been canvassing me mates, and I dont have anyone with the knowhow to wring his neck, and I dont have the strength or stomach to hold him down long enough to chop his head off. I'm told roosters arent that tasty anyways. I've found a childrens' farm who'll take him in for a $20 'donation' (!). We'll pay it. Now we just need to work out how we'll get him there....


  1. fuck a duck, wilms!

    or rather, that chook is fucked :D

    my coparent is wise to the ways of chook neck wringing (and subsequent plucking and gutting), but he's busy at the minute. having said that, chooks can be dead scary. we had a bantam rooster once that did same sort of thing. they like little men with big problems. they ARE little men with big problems. we used to carry a stick.

  2. glad to have some sympathy, darthy :D It would have been a fair way to make your bloke travel, so he's off the hook. The only way I could have got mine to lay a finger on it would have been by blindfolding him and pretending the chook was a piano.
    the more citified of me mates found the whole tale HILARIOUS :'you're scared of a chicken? Is it clucking at you?' etc & etc....
    We borrowed a dog cage from a friend who shows dogs (who thought it was HILARIOUS)& husby & the kids have trundled the rooster off to a childrens farm. Who knows what they'll do with him there. But he's gorn. For 20 bucks.
