Tuesday 17 January 2012

Lollygobbleblissbombs- HOMEMADE :D

just found this recipe on kidspot. Prolly more of a winter type snack, but what the hey.

link is: http://www.kidspot.com.au/best-recipes/Kids-cooking+5/Lolly-gobble-bliss-bombs-recipe+2441.htm#

For those of us scandalised by feeding storebought popcorn chemical hell for our wee ones, this looks good:

Lolly gobble bliss bombs recipe

2/3 cup of popping corn kernels
1 x 250g packet pecan nuts
1/4 cup of olive oil or vegetable oil
250g butter or margarine
1½ cups white sugar, granulated
4 tbsp honey
Canola spray
Pop the corn kernels in a frypan with a lid.

Grease baking trays (preferably with a bit of a lip) with a light spray of canola oil and lay the popped popcorn on the trays.

Chop pecans roughly but in smallish pieces and scatter over the popcorn.

Melt butter in saucepan and add honey, then the sugar, stir, keep on high and let it bubble/boil until all the sugar is dissolved. Turn down to a simmer and let it caramelise – this should take about 4 minutes.

At this stage you need to be quick, pour the sugar mixture over your trays and then with two tablespoons, mix it through the popcorn and pecans, trying to get an even coverage, as the toffee starts to cool, then pat it down with your hands, and sweep uncovered popcorn into the middle of covered popcorn pressing down.

Leave to cool for about 10 minutes then break up and put into airtight container or ziplock bag.

If you've never popped corn before, it's best to get your oil hot, then turn down the temperature slightly, add the corn, put the lid on a slant so you are still letting air in, once it starts popping furiously, turn the heat down again until it's at half-strength and keep the lid on, shaking the pan to and fro to ensure no corn burns on the bottom. Good rule of thumb if you've heard nothing pop for 3 seconds, there's no more corn to be popped.
You can tell the sugar has caramelised if you get a teaspoon of the mixture and dunk it in a glass of cold water. It should quickly harden into toffee.
This recipe could result in increased visits to the dentist. It could put you in the kitchen far more often than you like. It could kill your diet. Don't say I didn't warn you.
This recipe was created by Melissa Klemke for Kidspot, Australia’s best recipe finder.

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