Tuesday 6 November 2012

more eye-tie pop wunnerfulness

this chick is just SO cool.  such knowing sauciness combined with such grace and elegance. nope, they just don't make popsters like they used to, mores the pity.  meanwhile, from a hoofers point of view - such eloquent hands!


  1. With clips like this, it's difficult not to be an oldie who complains that everything was better in the olden days.

  2. very difficult indeed!

    lemme find an olden dud to redress that problem ...

  3. .....didn't someone do a version of this in the early 80 s?

    I'm sure I remember it on Countdown

  4. I believe so, yairz. Can't think who, but ...

    either way, I've always loved this verj :)
