Friday 20 July 2012

felicities and such

one week late, but never mind the bollocks. so anyway, teachers had a rest day on monday, so short week - in which a hausfrau naturally endeavours to cram as much of the 'can't do during school hols' stuff as poss.  leaving me here, at friday, finally with about 58 minutes free time before I retrieve the spawnies and plunge into materdom for the weekend.

I see some of you have been croc hunting and sipping mai tais in the damp tropics, others have been train spotting and not reading books with hausfrau friendly hunks in 'em.  all good - hope to hear more in due course.  I've been nowhere and haven't caught a train in months, but busy as blazes nevertheless.  kid#2 has her selective year 5/6 entry exam thingo next week so much practising on clock watchery and guessing.  kid#1 missed out on selective high by 2 points out of a possible 300.  he was actually cranky - which is impressive.  he's loathe to muster any sort of emotion as regards academics usually.  anyhoo, he gets another bite of the cherry given his high-ish ranking so he may end up at Big Bang Theory High after all.  blah blah. 

So now I'm waiting for Betty to text me about a coffee and chinwag :p


  1. No chinwag - despite the proximity to cooee. Had to be content with a textwag. :(

  2. Text wag? Ya big sooks! Here I was waiting for details ......
