Monday 24 June 2013

oh, say!

this past weekend I attended a geekfest known as "Supanove Pop Culture Expo".  I'm not even slightly ashamed to say I loved it beyond measure.  the place was crawling with thousands upon thousands of excellent nerdbergs, around half of whom were in full cosplay mode. who needs drugs?

while the young blokes in my company were diverted by the Nintendo stand, I did the fangirl thing and went to stare at modestly famous actors - who were lined up like cattle signing autographs for $30 a pop. which is utterly fucked, but anyway, I pretended to have a 'token' and stood in line for a closer scrutinisation of Alan Tudyk.  you've all heard of him haven't you?  no?  Firefly, dears. goofy pilot of the Serenity.  well he's a ginger isn't he, so I had to an inspection. he was orright, as it happens.  not a bad looking bloke.  hi Alan - I was the one who wasn't morbidly obese. middle aged chick in work boots?  remember?  you forgot to ask me for my cell phone number, you lovely ginger doofus.

some other famous peeps. a couple from torchwood, which is noice.  love a welshy.  carrie fisher was there, apparently, but the young blokes didn't want to look at the nanna.  fantastic day out amongst the peculiar.  loved every second of it :D

1 comment:

  1. Darthy helloooooo
    I have been away in the land of fierce local activism
    So lovely to read your cheerful prose
    even if from 3 months ago
    I wonder if you'll pop back this year?
