Tuesday 19 June 2012


5.2 on the richter scale, the news tells me! Scary! It seemed to go on and on...got the kids out of bed,NAND braced ourselves in the doorway as the house rattled....I still have adrenalin rushing through me...gawk, aftershocks now, that right?


  1. far out, wilmsworth!

    we heard it on radio within a few minutes of the event. sounds like you were fairly close, too, given your vague proximity to bewdiful Moe.

    far out far out ... aftershocks, an' all :o

  2. Haven't felt any of the aftershocks. 5.4, now, they're saying. Was very exciting....enough, tho....Rattled everyone, made us all say 'scary, wow' like being on a scary ride at an amusement park, then stopped before anything was broken or anyone got hurt. The perfect earthquake.

  3. I feel the earth move under my feet.
