Tuesday, 24 April 2012

in case we ever forget how A-mazing idol was ... here are two of the best ever, together, sans benefit of technology :)


  1. was this filmed in your lounge room?

  2. I was a huge fan of Nathan's, but Sten was the men, wasn't he? Hope Nathan gets a gig in a musical...

  3. I have a whole new respect for young Nate after seeing this. that ain't easy to do ... sit around on shiny leatherette mini-sofas with big boofy maori winners, and sing like an ayngel :D

    such lovely lovely resonance in that voice. why didn't he win? or was he in same year as sten? if so, then fair nuff :)

  4. He was certainly in Stens year. He was one of my favourites. The judges gave him a hard time for being such a theatrical ham. They put him through the wringer about 'being true to himself' and connecting with the audience, piddlydiddlydoo. He was just a different kind of performer. He'd be fabulous in a musical.
