Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Wintry Winterful Winter!

You know its cold outside when it hailed about half an hour ago and you look out to the decking and the hail hasnt even begun to melt. Dropped Kid A off at kindy today- all full of excitement because we've been told to expect snow tonight and tomorrow. They're hoping it comes whilst they're at kindy, obviously...I'm hunting out snow jackets etc etc because if it snows here,2 minutes higher up the hill will be lots of snow to play in tomorrow. If I can figure out how to upload photys onto this computer and we get snow I'll post em. We've been told it's 'a once a decade weather event'. Kid A is planning on making snow angels and I'm planning on a lamb roast with rosemary, gravy, garlic and parsnips.


  1. Sounds fun. My younger ones have never seen snow.

    It's a bit cooler here, too, without much sunshine & an overcast sky. And I did take a jacket out with me this morning, but didn't need it except for in the refrigerated SFM aisle.

  2. Snow..... that is tormenting me! I want snow! :( Guess that I will have to settle for photos. :)
